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Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Balance Sheet Components
Notes to Financial Statements
Basis of Presentation
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Revenue Recogniton Revenue Recognition
Fair Value of FInancial Instruments
Price Risk Management (Notes)
Regulatory Assets and Liabilities
Asset Retirement Obilgations
Credit Facilities
Long-term Debt
Employee Benefits
Income Taxes
Equity-Based Plans
Stock-based Compensation Expense
Earnings Per Share
Commitments and Guarantees
Leases (Notes)
Jointly-owned Plant
Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation Basis of Presentation (Policies)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Revenue Recogniton Revenue Recognition (Policies)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Policies)
Price Risk Management (Policies)
Asset Retirement Obligations (Policies)
Employee Benefits (Policies)
Commitments and Guarantees (Policies)
Leases Leases (Policies)
Contingencies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Revenue Recogniton Revenue Recognition (Tables)
Balance Sheet Components (Tables)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Tables)
Price Risk Management (Tables)
Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Asset Retirement Obligations (Tables)
Credit Facilities (Tables)
Long term debt (Tables)
Employee Benefits (Tables)
Income Taxes Income Taxes (Tables)
Stock-based Compensation Expense Restricted and Performance Stock Unit activity (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Commitments and Guarantees (Tables)
Leases Lease Obligations (Tables)
Jointly-owned Plant (Tables)
Notes Details
Basis of Presentation (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Estimated average service lives (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details)
Revenue Recogniton Revenue Recognition Disaggregation of Revenue (Details)
Balance Sheet Components Allowance for Uncollectible accounts activity (Details)
Balance Sheet Components Schedule of Other Asssets and Other Liabilities (Details)
Balance Sheet Components Balance Sheet Components Public Utility Property, Plant, and Equipment (Details)
Balance Sheet Components (Details)
Fair Value of FInancial Instruments Schedule of Fair Value (Details)
Fair Value of FInancial Instruments Fair Value Options Quantitative Disclosure (Details)
Fair Value of FInancial Instruments Fair Value Unobservable Input Reconciliation (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Details)
Fair values of price risk management assets and liabilities (Details)
Net volumes related to price risk management activities (Details)
Net realized and unrealized gains and losses on derivative transactions (Details)
Future year net unrealized gain/loss recorded at balance sheet date expected to become realized (Details)
Price Risk Management (Details)
Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Schedule of Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Schedule of Asset Retirement Obligations (Details)
Schedule of Change in Asset Retirement Obligations (Details)
Asset Retirement Obligations (Details)
Credit Facilities Schedule of Short term debt (Details)
Credit Facilities (Details)
Long-term Debt Schedule of Long Term Debt Instruments (Details)
Long-term Debt Schedule of Maturities of Long term debt (Details)
Long-Debt Lesse, Operating Lease, Liability Maturity (Details)
Long term debt (Details)
Employee Benefits Assets and Liabilities associated with Non-qualified benefit plans (Details)
Employee Benefits Schedule of Allocation of Plan Assets (Details)
Employee Benefits Schedule of Fair Value, Assets (Details)
Employee Benefits Schedule of Defined Benefit Plan Disclosures (Details)
Employee Benefits Schedule of Net Benefit Costs (Details)
Employee Benefits Assumptions (Details)
Employee Benefits Schedule of Expected Benefit Payments (Details)
Employee Benefits (Details)
Income Taxes Schedule of Components of Income Tax Expense (Details)
Income Taxes Schedule of Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation (Details)
Income Taxes Schedule of Deferred tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Income Taxes Income taxes (Details)
Equity-Based Plans (Details)
Stock-based Compensation Expense Restricted and Performance Stock Unit Activity (Details)
Stock-based Compensation Expense Schedule Of Share Based Payment Award Stock Options Valuation Assumptions (Details)
Stock-based Compensation Expense (Details)
Earnings Per Share Schedule of Earnings per Share, Basic and Diluted (Details)
Commitments and Guarantees Unrecorded Unconditional Purchase Obligations (Details)
Commitments and Guarantees Schdule of Long term contracts for purchase of electric power (Details)
Commitments and Guarantees (Details)
Leases Lease Cost (Details)
Leases Supplemental Information (Details)
Leases Lease Term and Discount Rate (Details)
Leases Maturities of Lease Liabilities (Details)
Leases Supplemental Cash Flow Information (Details)
Leases Leases (Details)
Jointly-owned Plant Schedule of Jointly-owned plant (Details)
Jointly-owned Plant (Details)
Contingencies (Details)
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